Data sets: Location specific data

Indices of Multiple Deprivations Map

A zoomable map on the indices of multiple deprivations.

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London Datastore

A huge store of data relevant to London.

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North East Data Hub

This resource hub brings together up-to-date, robust and insightful data and intelligence about the North East regional economy onto a single digital platform.

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Mapping Greater Manchester

MappingGM provides a range of maps that you can use to explore Greater Manchester’s housing, planning, infrastructure, socio-economic and demographic data. The maps are open for you to use, and most of the data used are freely available to download.

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Centre for Cities

Centre for Cities is a think tank that focuses on improving the economies of the UK's largest towns and cities. Its site includes a set of interactive data tools. 

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Northern Ireland Statistics and Resource Agency

Overview of data on Northern Ireland including economy, labour market and population.

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Stats Wales

Detailed official data on Wales.

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Scottish Government

Open access to Scotland's official statistics.

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